Benefits for Employers and Employees
Enjoy a wide range of savings with our benefits from childcare to gym membership, providing discounts and perks helps salaries go further and can help your business save substantial amounts too!
Save up to 42% on the price of a new bike and save money and burn off some calories.
Workplace Nursery is a unique way for parents to save as much as possible on nursery fees.
We believe it is people that power businesses and we are working hard to help you in every way we can.
Access to the latest gadgets with payments that are spread interest free across 12 months.
When you switch to Enjoy Benefits, we do everything for you and keep you updated every step of the way.
Enables employees to receive a tax-free lump sum if they are diagnosed with one of a stated number of serious conditions.
The NHS is fantastic in most emergency situations, but sometimes you need more, and you need it now!
Claim back the cost of healthcare treatments such as eye tests, dental treatment and physiotherapy.
Allow your employees to either buy or sell a number of days of their holiday allocation.
Schemes are widely used to help show appreciation for great work by staff by great employers
Access to the latest mobile phones with payments spread interest free across 12 months without credit checks.
Convenience of making a Will through an experienced specialised provider and spread the cost.