Want a beach body? Ask about our gym memberships…
We offer annual gym memberships at corporate rates, provided through salary sacrifice. We offer annual gym memberships at corporate rates, provided through salary sacrifice. In simple terms that
Mind the gap… raise the cap
Enjoy Benefits, is backing the campaign “Mind the Gap – Raise the Cap” which aims to persuade the Government to raise the childcare voucher cap from £55 per
It’s not a headache!
Offering your employees the benefit of chidlcare vouchers is easy with us We took a stand at an SME exhibition last week. I spoke to about 70 companies
Has there been a baby boom?
For the last two weeks the phones have been ringing off the hook with parents enquiring about the childcare voucher benefit. For the last two weeks the phones
Only 6 days to go until the end of the tax year
If you haven't yet taken your full childcare voucher allowance, this tax year, If you haven't yet taken your full childcare voucher allowance, this tax year, there is
Are you a winner or a loser in the recent budget?
George Osborne has increased the personal allowance but reduced the threshold at which people pay 40% tax, child benefit is being removed for certain households and this will