Young employeeEmployee benefits are widely seen as a critical part of an employer’s value offering. 

A recent report found that more than half of younger employees believe that a good benefits package is the most important thing they look for when searching for a job.

And two-thirds of younger employees would move to another company if they were offered a better benefits package.

With benefits and rewards playing such an important part in the attraction and retention of new staff – particularly younger employees – how can you make sure you’re making the most of your package? Here are a few tips that can help.

Increase visibility of your benefits

A recent survey of HR leaders found that the biggest risk to the uptake of employee rewards is how they’re introduced and communicated to staff.

While staff say they want better reward, incentive or recognition schemes, take-up of benefits can sometimes lag behind the enthusiasm for it.

Here are a few things to remember when you’re introducing benefits for the first time, and also when you offer a suite of benefits to your employees:

Signpost new benefits loud and clear when you introduce them. Put it in company newsletters, put up posters about it, and take every opportunity to remind staff about it. When it comes to communication, it’s never ‘one and done’.

Celebrate your benefits

If you’ve just added the Cycle to Work scheme to your benefits, for example, you can run a competition to win bike equipment or sports clothing to highlight this great new reward.

Men’s Mental Health Month is in November every year (Movember), so that would be an excellent time to launch the fantastic Wellness package that Enjoy Benefits offers.

Excellent onboarding

We recently wrote on this blog about what makes good onboarding. Part of a sound onboarding plan is informing new starters about all the benefits of working for your company.

Make sure the benefits you offer are clearly communicated as part of the onboarding process, and that staff have the time and information they need to sign up for new benefits.

Managers should know their way around the staff benefits to be able to communicate these to staff in one-to-ones and annual appraisals. 

Making use of the staff recognition reward regularly helps to showcase rewards as part of your culture and means staff are more likely to explore and use other benefits on offer.

Helping to save money

Piggy bankThere’s one key reason that employees value staff perks – benefits save them money across the year. 

Our benefits save employees money through salary sacrifice, so they pay less tax and National Insurance. They can literally save thousands of pounds annually, particularly if they use the popular Workplace Nursery Benefit.

Your business can also save substantial amounts by offering benefits rather than pay rises, with reduced Class 1 NI contributions and a lower wage bill. 

Make onboarding easy

Another reason why employees are deterred from signing up for valuable and money-saving benefits is because they think it takes too much time to investigate and sign up.

Our package of benefits is clearly presented and explained so staff know exactly what they’re getting when they sign up. We offer a handy Benefits Calculator so people can find out exactly how much they’re saving each year.

Simple to manage

Our staff benefits are easy to set up, and ongoing administration is run through an online hub. This allows employees to manage their own benefits while the employer can see which benefits are proving popular and what level of take-up each has had.

Quick sign-up and simple day-to-day management remove some of the barriers to staff engaging with employee benefits. You’ll see more uptake and use, and this means you’ll get maximum value from the employee rewards that you offer.

Take a look at our full set-up benefits and get in touch with one of our advisors today to have a chat about adding more benefits or introducing them for the first time.

With good communication and easy administration, everyone can benefit from employee perks, saving money and enhancing the relationship staff have with you and their workplace.

About Us

At Enjoy Benefits, we have great experience in helping companies of all sizes introduce benefits that are suitable for their workplace.

If you would like an obligation-free chat to discuss which benefits might work for your business and your employees, please contact us by calling 0800 088 7315 or using our Contact Form.

